Open trade account
Please, answer the following questions, to help our department check your request.

Do you have signing powers in the company, from which you give the request?
Can your company be charactarized as satisfying contragent according to criteria (MIFID)? (Are you organized financial company, which can provide its activity from the body of the clients; or individually; or receive and give commands)
Does your company satisfy to the following criterea:
— Balance from 20 000 000 euro
— Net turnover from 40 000 000 euro
— Propietory funds (which is wider then main budget) от 2 000 000 euro
— Balance from 20 000 000 euro
— Net turnover from 40 000 000 euro
— Propietory funds (which is wider then main budget) от 2 000 000 euro
Does your company has responsabilities to work on financial markets, doest it correspond to legal norms? (are you a credit organization; investment company; assurance company; collective investment scheme or its company; pension fund or its management company, diler of raw or material derivatives; local; or other institutional investor)
Your company – institutional investor which main activity is in investments into financial tools, securatization of actives or maintanance of other financial operations?
Please note that for US customers, the minimum deposit amount is € 50 000.For US customers, the minimum deposit amount is € 500 000.
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