About Ficex

In addition to our many advantages, we also offer you the following benefits: if you trade successfully with big lots (more than one standard) within a few months, we can provide you with an investor, and with that you'll manage an amount not less than $100 000. Thus your income will be approximately 30% to 35% of the total earnings.When you choose us, you choose freedom to trade with any currency pair you want, anytime and using any trading strategy, together with all the help and support.
Gregory Ficex
CEO of Ficex
Minimum deposit $20000. Only Bank Deposit allowed!The fastest and fair execution without slippageOpening an account takes a few minutesMobius Trader 7: The finest software Spreads starting at 0.1 pips
Our Dealing Center was created in order to be successful traders. That they earn as much money allows their talent and their ability - without restrictions. To their professional growth was maximal. A profit grew from year to year. We have the lowest spreads of all our competitors. Our spreads even lower bank (which you would get at them as regular clients). Try it and see for yourself - the most profitable trade on Forex - is trading with Ficex Corp. If you choose us - you can be sure that you get the maximum benefit from your trading.
We offer you the following advantages: Trade of $ 50 000, the fastest performance, the most favorable trading conditions, direct output to the bank and ECN-system guaranteed overlap.Successful traders we are ready to give the management of their own funds (500 000 $)Thus, your income may be higher Tens of thousands of dollars.Choosing us - you choose the freedom to trade as you want. Without restrictions.